Legal & General U.S. Gig Economy study

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Female gig workers in the U.S. make less than males, they wear more hats, and they are more worried about their future. So finds recent research sponsored by insurer Legal & General Group in a broad study on the U.S. gig economy. With more than half of U.S. households headed by women, the gender pay disparity ranging from 8 percent to 27 percent (increasing the older women get) across the labor force, and just under half (47 percent) of the U.S. gig economy comprised of women, Legal & General analyzed proprietary data recently gathered to determine the role gig work plays in the lives of U.S. women, including its advantages and drawbacks. This report follows the fifth part of our study, Gig Workers’ independent mindset opposes corporate team-think, and previews aspects of Part 6, which will cover gig workers’ future financial and retirement needs.

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