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AXA IM: Webinar - Tackling biodiversity loss: How can investors make an impact?

Webinar - Tackling biodiversity loss: How can investors make an impact?

Register now and join us on Monday 22 May, International Day for Biological Diversity, at 10:00 BST/11:00 CEST.

Hear more from our AXA IM Investment Institute experts, Nigel Topping (UN Climate Change High Level Climate Champion) and Nicolas Loz de Coëtgourhant (Head of Sustainable Business Practices, WWF France) as they share their views on how best to tackle biodiversity loss alongside Jane Wadia, AXA IM’s Head of Investment Specialists and host, Chris Iggo, AXA IM CIO Core Investments and Chair of AXA IM’s Investment Institute.

Biodiversity loss echoes climate change as a systemic risk which needs to be understood and man aged to ensure that we have sustainable, and investible, economies long into the future. We are already seeing a growing number of nature initiatives centred on biodiversity loss, and discussions about how biodiversity interacts with net-zero transition plans will only increase going forward.

Topics to be discussed include:

• What lessons can be learned from climate-related initiatives?

• How should we view the relationship between nature and climate?

• What role has the financial industry to play?

• How can investors address biodiversity loss in their portfolios?



Nigel Topping

Nicolas Loz de Coëtgourhant

Jane Wadia

Chris Iggo

UN Climate Change High Level Climate Champion

Head of Sustainable Business Practices, WWF France AXA IM Head of Investment Specialists & RFP AXA IM CIO Core Investments and Chair of AXA IM’s Investment Institute